Not to blow our own horn or anything, but our insulation is kind of a big deal. In fact, each pack is a massive 1.3m cube! But, believe it or not, we actually like it that size. On this page, you’ll learn why we never vacuum pack insulation and the best ways to get it to your home. Specifications (Per Pack): On average, people order between 7 and 10 packs of insulation to cover the underfloor area of their home. It’s hard to imagine, but that’s enough to fill a whole domestic swimming pool! To put it in perspective, a standard ute is only big enough to fit two packs of insulation in the tray!We don’t vacuum pack insulation… It’s a good thing.
Size: 1.3(H) x 1.3(W) x 1.3m(D)
Weight: Up to 20kg
Coverage: 15m2
Pack Contents: 3 x 11.6m rolls
Why don’t we just squash it to take up less room?
It’s simple really, we don’t vacuum pack insulation because we want you to get the best result for your time and money.
When it comes to underfloor insulation size counts and compressing the material to squeeze into smaller packaging goes against what it’s all about. Keeping your insulation thick and plump is really important to how well it’s going to work. This is because more still-air is trapped between the fibres to keep your home warm in winter and cool in summer.
That’s why our insulation comes in very large packs, each one is as tall and wide as a person! So it’s really important to plan carefully how your order is going to be transported to your home.
Here’s your delivery and pickup options.
OPTION 1: Home Delivery
You can choose to have your insulation delivered directly to your home for a flat fee of $195 if you live within Melbourne Metropolitan area. If you live outside of this zone, the delivery cost will be dependant on where you live in relation to our factory and the volume of your order. In this case, please contact us with your address for a freight calculation.
PLEASE NOTE: Our couriers can commit to a firm delivery date but not a specific time of day. In order to allow you some advance notice, we can arrange a phone call prior to the courier leaving the factory upon your request.
OPTION 2: Collect from Heidelberg Yourself
Our underfloor insulation supplier is based in Heidelberg, Victoria and you can collect your insulation directly from there free of charge.
It takes up to 48 hours for us to process your order and we’ll send you a confirmation as soon as it’s ready. After you receive your confirmation from us, you must collect your insulation within 7 days. Our supplier is open from 6:30am to 2:00pm, Monday to Friday.
PLEASE NOTE: Our supplier does not allow partial order collection. We understand that sometimes it’s necessary to make multiple trips, which is fair enough given the size of our insulation, but your whole order must be collected in the same day without exceptions.
OPTION 3: Organise Your Courier to Collect from Heidelberg
You are welcome to organise your own courier to collect your insulation from our supplier in Heidelberg, Victoria at your own expense. See the information in Option 2 above for trading hours and the conditions regarding collection.
Ready to place your underfloor insulation order? Click here to get in touch.
The post Size Matters: Why We Never Vacuum Pack Insulation appeared first on ecoMaster.